Monday, March 4, 2013

Whoo Whoo Whoo Are You? Blog Follower???


  1. Cool!!! You have an owl? Where did you get an owl?

    1. It's an Eastern Screech Owl, the one that makes a whinny sound like a horse somewhat, no I know it doesn't look like a horse. Dad and I saw one in the woods last year. How did you happen to see it?

  2. s/he was on the corner of the garage. I noticed "something" out there, looked a little like an blob owl. First I sent out Sam and Lewi to "test" it (I did not want it to carry me away!)

    It did not like the flash much, and flew away.

  3. Cool, by the way, Aunt Marie is having a Java issuse and is not able to comment. Not just on your blog but others as well.
